The Glad I'm Not Bowling league starts with tee times at 3:30 and requires a partner. The league begins April 25th and consists of 18 weeks of play. The league is paid in halves. Pay league due to sign up for this league or email Josh - with quesitons.
League Dues are a one-time fee and include prize money, scoring system, fun night dinner at the end of the season. All league rates include carts (Members pay league fees only)
Dues (Prize Money, Fun Night Dinner):
- Glad I'm Not Bowling Thursday Night Mens League: $55
- Two cookouts and prize money.
START DATES: April 25th Two Flights - 3:30-5:00 and 5:00-6:00
Golf Fees:
- Regular: $20 per week for 18 weeks
- Cart fees must be paid by Classic Members