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    Raise More Money at This Year's Golf Outing


There are numerous ways you can generate additional revenue at this year's ouitng. Use your imagination and have fun with it. Here are a few tried and true ideas that are pretty standard at many outings along with some other ideas as well. If you are planning on any on course games or events ask the course for their suggestion on which holes would be the best fit.


Have a volunteer stand by a tee with an old ball (soccer, basketball, football, etc.) with a slit cut in the top of it. Solicit golfers for monetary donations as they come by. At the end of the event have a live auction for the ball. It's a lot of fun to see golfers try to figure out how much they should bid. Although it should not be expected, often times the winning bidder will donate the contents from the Moneyball back to the outing. This is an easy and exciting way to raise money.


There is a lot of money to be made in hole sponsorships. It works by getting a company to sponsor a hole. In return the company gets recognized with signage on a hole. You can also sell sponsorships for the beverage cart, driving range or practice green. If you are able to get more than one sponsorship for a hole, display one at the tee box and one by the green.


A corporate sponsor or sponsors can underwrite a portion of the event. Be sure to recognize them with name recognition on printed materials and signage. It’s always a nice touch to specifically highlight a specific portion of the event that is funded by a sponsorship. For instance, dinner sponsored by Company X or Hole-in-one contest sponsored by Company XYZ.


A great way to raise money at a golf outing is to offer mulligans. A mulligan is simply the opportunity to take an extra shot for $5. You can also sell 4-5 feet of string and the golfer can use the string to get that distance closer to the hole. These are pure profit. Taking these ideas a step further, sell a Mulligan Survival Kit that includes a traditional mulligan, the string, a “foot wedge” where you get to kick the ball to improve your “lie”, and a toss where you get to toss the ball to improve your lie. This can be sold for $20 and is pure profit!


A skins game offers golfers the opportunity to buy in (usually $20 per four person team) and compete against other teams that opted into the skins game. The team with the lowest score on a hole with no ties wins that hole. More than likely there will be more than one winner. Because this is a charity event, you most likely will not be giving away a lot of high priced prizes. A skins game is perfect to keep the more competitive golfers in your group interested. You can decide to take a portion of the skin money to go to the charity or have a 100% payback to the golfers.

TIP: Some golf organizers are leery of a skins game in fear that it will take away from the pool of potential money golfers will want to donate or spend on fundraising. This is where mulligans and the mulligan survival kit pay off. Any golfer who enters in the skin game would be at a competitive disadvantage not to purchase mulligans as well.


One of the most tried and true money raising techniques is selling raffle tickets. Make sure your prizes are on display so golfers know what they have a chance at.


Choose a par 3 and have the course draw an 8-10 foot circle around the hole. Golfers can wager $5, $10, $20 or whatever you decide. If they land safely in the circle they double their money if not, the charity keeps their money.


Items are displayed at check in and around the clubhouse before, during and after the golf portion of the event. Individuals can write down their bid and if they are the highest bidder when the auction closes they “win” that item. Be sure to set a minimum bid that is not too high to get more people involved in the bidding. Be sure to clearly indicate what the minimum bid up amount is.


This is a good event to have before and after the event. It’s an opportunity to keep golfers occupied as they wait for the event to start or while waiting for the rest of the golfers to finish. Charge the golfers an amount for 3 balls to putt. Anyone who makes one putt goes to the final round. final round gets a prize!


With a little planning and organization you will be amazed at the success you can have planning and organizing a golf outing. It does not take a great golfer to be a great organizer of outings. As a matter of fact most outing organizers don’t even golf. If you're looking for additional material download our Golf Outing Planner’s Blueprint and you can be confident you have all the bases covered and you’re ready for success.

